Church Facing COVID and Other Crises, Boulder Church Learns to Listen, Adapt (EPIC) “We kept making space for people to come together, to grieve together, to talk about what happened to them,” Braudaway-Bauman said. It was important to discern and slow down and listen, she explained.
pastors Pastors, what's keeping you up at night? The number of pastors who have given serious consideration to quitting full-time ministry has risen dramatically over the past year. What would you like us to know? What do you need help with? Take our 4 Question Poll.
all shall be well All Shall Be Well A moment of reflection with words from Rev. Lindsay Ross-Hunt. "And yet, how we do church is not the church -- we are. And we navigate these uncharted waters as so many of the saints have done before us, leaning into the wind of the Spirit as she carries us forward into whatever is next."
mornings Mornings with FaithStreet A personal email to kickstart your day with a sense of community and spiritual continuity. Upcoming events, new prayer requests, ongoing prayer needs and more.
mission Featured Action We’re hearing from pastors and church leaders across the country that now is a time for action.