Facing COVID and Other Crises, Boulder Church Learns to Listen, Adapt (EPIC)
“We kept making space for people to come together, to grieve together, to talk about what happened to them,” Braudaway-Bauman said. It was important to discern and slow down and listen, she explained.

“We kept making space for people to come together, to grieve together, to talk about what happened to them,” Braudaway-Bauman said.
She said the congregation, which has about 850 members, learned to lean into their discomfort and not move too quickly.
It was important to discern and slow down and listen, she explained.
“We had to pay attention to where the spirit was moving among us and make room,” Braudaway-Bauman said.
She said that’s how new ministry is formed.

Facing COVID and Other Crises, Boulder Church Learns to Listen, Adapt