Church Facing COVID and Other Crises, Boulder Church Learns to Listen, Adapt (EPIC) “We kept making space for people to come together, to grieve together, to talk about what happened to them,” Braudaway-Bauman said. It was important to discern and slow down and listen, she explained.
covid-19 During Pandemic, Small Churches Find Growth Online In a recent article from EPIC titled "During Pandemic, Small Churches Find Growth Online," three congregations talk about digital worship, and how it's grown their communities in a post-Covid world.
tragedy Deacon, Father of 10, Tragically Dies. Donate to Support His Family. Charles Criniere died suddenly on August 27, 2022, leaving behind his wife and 10 children. He was a devoted husband and father who deeply loved his family. Charles devoted his life pouring into the next generation and in Christian Ministry. Now is the time to give back.
Christian Intentional Community Faith in the Street FaithStreet is passionate about helping churches reach their communities not only on Sundays, but also MTWTFS. Inspired by that, we are looking for instances of faithful expression outside of the church.
challenges This Is Christ's Church Love Your Church Within Its Limits from Kelly M. Kapic, Christianity Today. Why accepting a congregation's shortcomings is key to developing its strengths.
all shall be well All Shall Be Well A moment of reflection with words from Rev. Lindsay Ross-Hunt. "And yet, how we do church is not the church -- we are. And we navigate these uncharted waters as so many of the saints have done before us, leaning into the wind of the Spirit as she carries us forward into whatever is next."
denominations Explore Churches by Denomination on FaithStreet's Church Directory Have you seen FaithStreet's denominations page? From big churches to small, traditional to progressive, denominational to non-denominational, we've done our best to cover them all!
faithstreet Mia Hampton FaithStreet Art Partners' next featured artist is Mia Hampton! Mia has created cover art, specially designed for the FaithStreet app. This piece of art is inspired by a love for the wilderness.
Church How Can We Help You Network with Other Church Leaders? FaithStreet has a network of over 40,000 church leaders like you. We're exploring new ways to connect you to people and opportunities within our network. We can do more together than we can alone.
churches Leaders Speak: A Talk with Onleilove Alston FaithStreet sat down with Onleilove Alston, a recent graduate of Union Theological Seminary, regular contributor to Sojourner Magazine and member of Metro Hope Community Church here in New York. We discuss whether Jesus would be a Democrat or a Republican, how Black Liberation Theology inspired Onleilove to pursue ministry, how