What Our Partners Are Saying About the App
FaithStreet is a valuable tool for organizations that would like to provide their growing congregants easier access to make their charitable donations. The website makes the donation process whether online or by mobile a simple, easy and speedy task.

FaithStreet is a valuable tool for organizations that would like to provide their growing congregants easier access to make their charitable donations. The website makes the donation process whether online or by mobile a simple, easy and speedy task.
Since using FaithStreet, our overall giving has increased by 30%. Our congregants love the ease of use of the Faithstreet service and many have signed up for recurring donations. It’s simply great.
Nidia Guevara | Business Administrator, Palabras de Vida

Why online?
For some, giving means writing out a check on the kitchen table before service. For others, it is a few taps on a phone. Make it easier for people to give, and they’ll give more regularly and often increasingly.
Same spirit, new tools.
Learn more at https://www.faithstreet.com/community