What 10 Black Christian Leaders Are Saying Right Now
What 10 Black Christian Leaders are saying about systemic racism, civil unrest and the church’s response right now: a diverse group, from Lisa Sharon Harper, to Pastor Eric Mason, to Dr. Cornel West.
What 10 Black Christian Leaders are saying about systemic racism, civil unrest and the church’s response right now
Lisa Sharon Harper
Dear world, listen to the uprising. Our babies are speaking to you. #minneapolisriots #BlackLivesMatter #GeorgeFloyd
— Lisa Sharon Harper (@lisasharper) May 28, 2020
Dr. Christina Edmondson
THIS is why 11 am on Sunday is the most segregated hour in America.
— Christina Edmondson (@DrCEdmondson) May 29, 2020
Pastor Eric Mason
I’m going to say this once. If you are a Christian leader and you remain silent on racial injustice, idk why you are even in ministry! I’ve peaked at some of your timelines. There are posts but not about these matters...
— Dr. Eric Mason (@pastoremase) May 28, 2020
Jemar Tisby
White evangelicals have been voting on the basis of 1 or 2 issues for decades. It has led to this president whom you helped elect to the tune of 80% of those who voted. Whatever party you favor, this man desecrates the faith. Own your part in this and collect your president. pic.twitter.com/QnE1qAIrRC
— Jemar Tisby (@JemarTisby) June 2, 2020
Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley
Can you imagine scrolling past hundreds and thousands of black Christians saying the same thing to find the one or two black Christians who say what you want to hear the way you want to hear it and thinking, finally somebody gets it? We are not a monolith, but consensus matters.
— Esau McCaulley Ph.D (@esaumccaulley) June 2, 2020
I simply want to be able to look my children in the face years from now and say I did everything I could with the tools at my disposal.
— Esau McCaulley Ph.D (@esaumccaulley) June 2, 2020
How do I know if I have made an idol out of my politics?
— KB (@KB_HGA) June 2, 2020
When you see the war on racism as a battle of the left vs the right
INSTEAD of the kingdom of God vs the Kingdom of darkness.
Dr. Cornell West
"Looting is wrong, [but] legalized looting is wrong too … I look at the wickedness in high places first and then keep track of the least of these,” he added.
West concluded by saying that “if we’re more concerned about the property and spillover than the poverty, decrepit school systems, dilapidated housing, massive unemployment and underemployment, we’re going to be doing this every five, every 10, every 20 years.”

Rev. Jacqui Lewis, PHD
Police don't want you to see the violence they're wielding against people demanding peace—and how they habitually treat Black communities.
— Rev. Jacqui Lewis, PhD (sheltered) (@RevJacquiLewis) June 4, 2020
Do not look away. https://t.co/COoVSwhPDJ
Dr. Bryan Lorritts
Now the reason why multiethnic community is important is because homogeneity actually entrenches our biases. Remember we all carry bias. So if we only do community with people who co-sign on our cultural preferences and norms, those things will never be challenged and only deepened. As a matter of human flourishing, we need to be around people who just see it differently.