Church Facing COVID and Other Crises, Boulder Church Learns to Listen, Adapt (EPIC) “We kept making space for people to come together, to grieve together, to talk about what happened to them,” Braudaway-Bauman said. It was important to discern and slow down and listen, she explained.
tragedy Deacon, Father of 10, Tragically Dies. Donate to Support His Family. Charles Criniere died suddenly on August 27, 2022, leaving behind his wife and 10 children. He was a devoted husband and father who deeply loved his family. Charles devoted his life pouring into the next generation and in Christian Ministry. Now is the time to give back.
Christian Intentional Community Faith in the Street FaithStreet is passionate about helping churches reach their communities not only on Sundays, but also MTWTFS. Inspired by that, we are looking for instances of faithful expression outside of the church.
faithstreet Skip McKinstry We are pleased to announce FaithStreet Art Partner's next featured artist, Skip McKinstry. Born in Arkansas and raised in Hannibal, Missouri, Skip is an artist and graphic designer who lives in Oklahoma.
faithstreet Susan Whitlow FaithStreet Art Partners is delighted to introduce our next featured artist, Susan Whitlow. A lifelong artist, Susan creates meaningful pieces in her home studio. Her passion for hearing the stories of others has inspired her craft, and she brings those stories to life through canvas and paint.