September '20 Product Update
In the last few months, we’ve made meaningful improvements across every area of FaithStreet’s products on mobile and web, in Giving, Community, and Discovery.

In the last few months, we’ve made meaningful improvements across every area of FaithStreet’s products on mobile and web. Our recent work on Giving, Community, and Discovery focuses on extending more of the Sunday experience for those feeling disconnected in this season and improving our tools for church leader’s engagement with their members.
We've seen so much interest in the new FaithStreet App as well as record breaking engagement with Giving. We know organizations like yours do vital work and it is deeply humbling to be able to serve you all in this season. We are cheering you on.
Read on below for product updates, but we'd love to hear how you're doing. How's your church? Anything we can help with? Send us a note at
Every week attention and care is spent crafting a message to edify and exhort faithful people in congregations. When you don’t catch a sermon because you were double counting the offering, serving in the nursery, home not feeling well, or just couldn’t quite get your family out of the house in time, you miss something special. Sermons on FaithStreet make it easy for a church to build up a library of sermons that can be watched or listened to at any time, from any place, right from your phone.
Respond is a great way to prompt members to reflect and engage in personal and pastoral contexts, and now members can also share their responses with other members of your church. This makes it great for seeing what other people said in response to questions like "What's one thing you took away from this week's message?"
Access & Permissions
We've made it easy to allow administrators at your organization to access to Giving, App, and Directory settings or only one or two of those areas. We've heard from leaders like you this is a must for when you have a few admins, but only one or two need access to giving information. Visit Settings > Administrators in your Dashboard.
A whole bunch of improvements for FaithStreet administrators have made their way out these last months. Small things like customizing the order of funds on your giving page, a direct link to your dashboard from the site’s navigation, and better dashboard navigation to bigger things like refined administrator permissions and improved Community administration.
If you're using FaithStreet's Community App, we've improved every aspect of the dashboard for you. Each week, Announcements, Sermon, Prayer Requests, and Respond prompts are reset so you can see just what content needs to be freshened up for the week ahead. We’ve also added actions. Now you can do things like share a prayer request with your whole church from Prayers, invite a member in "People", add announcements for this week and next, and broadcast a message to your congregation with Dispatches.
We’ve brought live stream links to FaithStreet profiles. It makes it very easy for new folks to discover your live stream, especially when meeting together in person may be a challenge.
If you haven’t gotten a chance to fill out your profile, now’s a great time to do that. Every church on FaithStreet has access to a free profile. Over the years, we’ve researched and collected listings for over 320,000 churches with more than 25,000 churches actively managing and updating their own profile. It is thoughtfully designed for answering many of the questions a newcomer might have and provides an easy way to reach more people online.
Improved Recurring Gifts
Recurring Gifts now have a revamped, simplified process process for restarting. Occasionally we were hearing from givers with recurring gifts that it could be easier to restart a recurring gift after a recent gift failed. Recurring gifts most often fail when the payment information on file is out of date, like when you get a new debit card, but haven't updated FaithStreet before your recurring gift recurs.