INFOGRAPHIC: Church and Technology
Well, this is cool. Originally developed by Tyndale College and Seminary, the following infographic shows the relationship between churches, worship and everyday technology. Most surprising? Churches are a lot more open to technology than you might think.
If the graphic is a little small, see it larger here.
Some key takeaways:
- Over half of all churches surveyed don’t shy away from technology
- 74% of church members read the Bible electronically. That number is astounding
- Among churches who create no artificial barriers to using technology, “acceptance members” is the *smallest *issue with implementation – people want technology
- Just 1.4% cite “theological issues” with technology – For the vast majority of churches, there’s no doctrinal case against its use.
At FaithStreet, we like to think of ourselves as an intersection of faith and technology. Starting out of a Manhattan apartment in 2009, we’ve grown to include 12,800 churches across America, and we have helped hundreds-of-thousands of people find and connect with a local faith community.
This infographic looks to have been created in 2011, so current numbers would likely be more in favor of technology. Up next for us? Our simple yet powerful online giving platform, which you can sign up for and start using today.