NEW: FaithStreet Art Partners
FaithStreet is glad and grateful to announce the launch of FaithStreet Art Partners. FaithStreet Art Partners brings works from leading faithful artists into the FaithStreet congregation app to bring beauty and inspiration into a space that has traditionally lacked both.

FaithStreet is glad and grateful to announce the launch of FaithStreet Art Partners.
FaithStreet Art Partners brings works from leading faithful artists into the FaithStreet congregation app to bring beauty and inspiration into a space that has traditionally lacked both.
We created FaithStreet Art Partners to help churches, who generally struggle to design and update a compelling visual presence, elevate their digital spaces from adequate to beautiful.
Our first Featured Artist is Bruce Herman. Bruce holds the Lothlórien Distinguished Chair in the art department of Gordon College. His work has been housed at the Vatican Museum of Modern Religious Art, the Cincinnati Museum of Fine Arts, and the DeCordova Museum.
Bruce’s work flows from a childlike impulse to create. He told us:
Every kid is an artist initially because of all that. There is just something built into human nature that as children we cannot stop making things, drawing, painting, carving, pasting…in a word, playing and celebrating the visual world around us. I just never outgrew that play-impulse. I’ve now been a practicing professional artist for fifty years—and at almost 70 years old I feel as though I’m just starting out. I have no idea what I am doing as an artist even though I’m a master craftsman.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll feature a surface detail image of a larger painting from Bruce’s collection entitled “Time and Tide at Walker Creek” as the cover art for FaithStreet’s congregation app.
We’ll share more about Bruce and his artwork this Friday, 12/10.
And, over the next couple of months, we’ll feature three other leading faithful artists who have been gracious to share their work with us, so we could share it with you.
We’d love to hear your feedback on this project. And, if you have talented artists from your congregation who might be a good fit, we would like to know about them.
-Team FaithStreet