pastors Pastors, what's keeping you up at night? The number of pastors who have given serious consideration to quitting full-time ministry has risen dramatically over the past year. What would you like us to know? What do you need help with? Take our 4 Question Poll.
Church How Can We Help You Network with Other Church Leaders? FaithStreet has a network of over 40,000 church leaders like you. We're exploring new ways to connect you to people and opportunities within our network. We can do more together than we can alone.
prayer Prayer Cards One of the most powerful things we can do as believers is pray for one another. Prayer requests help people share the highs and lows of life together.
faithstreet Put a Face to a Name! Now within the app, you are able to update your profile picture. Put a face to a name, as you stay connected with your community!
Church The 5 Best Ways to Keep in Touch With External Givers In today’s changing society, you may find that some of your committed supporters are external, meaning anybody who wants to support your church but is not a member. This could be anyone from a former member who has moved away – say, for college or a job or a few