Susan Whitlow

FaithStreet Art Partners is delighted to introduce our next featured artist, Susan Whitlow.

Susan has contributed an image of her artwork titled, The Beauty in the Struggle as FaithStreet's home screen cover art.

Susan says,

Life can sometimes seem as if it is a journey from one struggle to the next. Hardships, pressures and pain will often cloud our vision of the beauty God is creating in the midst of the darkest times. My faith has grown when looking back and seeing the faithfulness of God form beautiful things from messiness. This painting is a humble depiction of that process and the goodness of the One who is there with us in it.

Romans 5:3-5

Through the Art Partners Project, those initial moments of opening the app are met with beauty and inspiration from a leading faithful artist. People open the app when they have an urgent prayer request for their congregation, to see what's happening in their community this week, catch up on the sermon, practice generosity through giving, or when they feel disconnected from church and want a moment to feel like we're together. Meaning and truth portrayed through visual works of art complement that experience.

We are grateful for Susan, as well as our other illustrious art partners, for encouraging us to engage with new expressions of faith and personal journey.

Related Links

Susan Whitlow's Website

Susan Whitlow's Instagram

Susan Whitlow's Facebook