Rock RMS + FaithStreet Integration

Rock RMS is a free, open-source relationship management software designed for churches and other organizations. FaithStreet integrates closely with Rock to allow giving on FaithStreet to seamlessly be transported to Rock's giving and people management. One great thing about using Rock alongside FaithStreet is the the time you'll save not transferring records from one system to another.

By activating the RockRMS integration from your church administrator dashboard, FaithStreet will send payment receipts to Rock. If the giver doesn't exist in Rock already, FaithStreet will create that person. If a person already exists matching the information available on FaithStreet, the gift will be associated with their record in Rock.

Activation Instructions

  1. You'll need a RockRMS username and password to get started.
  2. Visit your church dashboard. Click Integrations. Click "Activate" on the Rock RMS integration.
  3. Fill in the username and password for the account you'd like to use with Rock. You may want to create a separate user solely for FaithStreet/Rock integration.
  4. Fill in the public url of your Rock website, for example Be sure to include the https://.