9/11 Church Services in New York City
Here’s a list of 9/11 services at churches in New York City. Find a 9/11 service at a New York church near you.
St. James Church, Manhattan will hold a “Requiem for 9/11” service on September 11, 2011 at 865 Madison Ave. Click here for more details.
Marble Collegiate Church will hold a special day of events called “Hope & Healing: Remembering 9/11” on September 11, 2011 at 1 West 29th St. Click here for more details.
Trinity Wall Street is hosting a week of events to commemorate of 9/11 including a BBQ for first-responders, a rememberance service and an interfaith ringing of the “bell of hope.” Click here for more details.
Church of St. Theresa, Staten Island will hold a Candlelight Rosary for victims and their families on September 11, 2011 at 6pm. Click here for more details.
The Park Avenue Christian Church will hold a 9/11 Memorial Performance based on Walt Whitman’s “Songs of Myself” September 10, 2011 at 8pm. Click here for more details.
Find more 9/11 Church Services and Events on FaithStreet.
We’ll add more 9/11 NYC Service information as we find it. Please add any events we missed by signing-up your church on FaithStreet or by emailing us.